Photo of Luis Seibert Argentina
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Seibert was born in San Luis Miguel on March 29, 1985. Since childhood I have taste was evident inclination for drawing. 2001. Alos 15 years old participating in a drawing workshop, taught by the culture of Josco address. Paz, who convinces him to develop an artistic formation. 2002. Leave the workshop and develops the study of human figure on his own. 2003. Studies the income of the School of Visual Arts in San Martn...

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Photo of Luis Seibert Argentina

Seibert was born in San Luis Miguel on March 29, 1985. Since childhood I have taste was evident inclination for drawing. 2001. Alos 15 years old participating in a drawing workshop, taught by the culture of Josco address. Paz, who convinces him to develop an artistic formation. 2002. Leave the workshop and develops the study of human figure on his own. 2003. Studies the income of the School of Visual Arts in San Martn Antonio Berni, 2004. Enter the IUNA (national university institute of the arts), to follow the Bachelor of Visual Arts design orientation, which is still pursuing today. ? DESEMPEO ARTISTIC EXHIBITIONS 2 0 0 5. December. Multidisciplinary exhibition, Pagano ctedra Norberto. CVIC Beccar cultural center, San Isidro. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 2 0 0 6. August. The living room of the old Palermo Loft-American University of Acapulco (Mexico) Palermo, Buenos Aires Selection drawing. 2 0 0 6. October. Salon III From the plastic spring. Buenos Aires City Selection drawing. 2 0 0 6. November. XXIII Annual Salon of San Isidro plastic artist. San Isidro, Buenos Aires Selection drawing. 2 0 0 6. December. Natalio Galera Galluzzi. Caballito. ---------------------------------------------- Bs --------------------------------------------- 2 0 0 7. April. Mil Tabaco pipes. San Miguel. Buenos Aires 2 0 0 7. April. Artemia, live art. Atelier. Pilar.Bs. Ace 2 0 0 7. May. Salon painting, sculpture and objects 2007, Braque Gallery. Belgrano, Buenos Aires Selecting paint. 2 0 0 7. May. Latino Artists Exhibition 2007. Gallery "Drawing" 2 0 0 7. June. International Contest "Images of dreamy 2007." Gallery "Intervention on digital print of an original" ? INDIDUALES EXHIBITIONS 2 0 0 6. December. Argus diagnostic provider. San Miguel. Drawing Bs. 2 0 0 7. June. Clinica Bessone. San Miguel. Drawing Bs. ? RELEASE 2 0 0 6 / December Pace, JosClemente Paz. Biweekly newspaper. Ao I, N 16. ? PAG. WEB

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